For example, the same basic raw materials that can make insulation foam semi-rigid and soft to the touch also creates high density roofing foam that is resistant to foot traffic and water. Specialized equipment is used to apply the spray polyurethane foam and proper technical training is important in order to get the best results.
For roofing, spray polyurethane foam insulates and eliminates thermal bridging through fasteners or gaps in decking while providing a long-lasting roofing system that has a life that can be extended by re-coating or recovering in an average of > 10 – 15 years. As a result spray polyurethane foam is used in a wide variety of applications including, but is not limited to:
- Roofing
- Air barriers
- Commercial and residential insulation in walls, ceilings, attics and basements
- Industrial insulation for pipes and tanks, cold storage facilities, freezers, walk-in coolers, and climate controlled buildings such as produce storage and clean rooms
- Flotation for boats, ships, barges, floating docks, etc.
- Higher density spray polyurethane foam has been used to increase the structural strength of wings in airplanes.